click on the picture for more explanation on used terms

Bean, going for Gold!!!


Koen, Willem and I have decided to build 3 Bean 4.3's!!! It's going to be a joint project. Each week we'll gather at my house and work on our Beans. We'll all use the same templates allthough the colors will be different. In the end we could as well start a team flying Bean's 4.3 in parallel (has it been done before?). Hope it succeeds...


We work 1 evening per week... (about 3~4 hrs)


Week 7

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Week 6

Long time no see!
After a long period of infrequent activity, we've started again full force.

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Week 4

Exiting stuff!!! We've decided to put "BEAN 4.3" on the side of the kite. Koen has done a tremendous job at making the templates (he's into that kind of stuff). The guinea pig was Bart's kite. We've made the template in two parts (again Koen's idea). It works pretty good!

Click here for Willem's story.

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Week 3

We're making pretty good progress. Koen & Willem are pretty quick on picking up the sewing machine. They work very precise :-).
Bart's almost finished with sewing the panels together. So is Koen. Willem has a difficult pattern (you'll see) so he is lagging up a bit.
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Week 2

Going strong.
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Week 1

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Who are Koen & Willem?

bart bozon's home page